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The Green Man Grove was established in 2016 by a small group of pagan friends. Prior to this we had all practiced Ritual in one setting or another, but were keen to begin a dedicated practice group to celebrate the eight pagan festivals.
After Covid restrictions were lifted we are now back practicing once more.
We all contribute to the group in various ways ie writing scripts, bringing tools and equipment and maintaining our own magic circle
located in a Forest in East Suffolk.
Newcomers are always welcome (Over eighteen only please) experienced or not provided they are willing to take part obviously with any help needed, with no further obligation if needs be.
Should any new person wish we can always arrange an informal meeting prior to the next ritual if requested.

YULE or Winter Solstice the shortest day of the year 21st December.
IMBOLC the first signs of spring 2nd February.
OSTARA the spring equinox 21st March
BELTANE May days eve spring at its peak 1st May
LITHA or Summer Solstice the longest day of the year 21st June.
LUGHNASADH / Lammas the first harvest festival 1st August
MABON the Autumn equinox the end of summer 21st September.
SAMHAIN or Halloween as many may know it when the veils between this life and the afterlife are at their thinnest 31st October.
In the pagan world this is known as the Wheel of the Year!


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